@TheSurvivorsVoice haha it's fine I just put them there for fun I've edited most of them out tho and the other is probably just a mistake cus I type really fast I don't see all the mistakes I make till after publishing it. Thanks anyway :)
Annyeonghaesyo authornim! I really enjoy reading your story; the plot line is amazing, and your writing is outstanding.
Keep up the good work! I know how stressful it can be sometimes when writing stories xD
@TheSurvivorsVoice haha it's fine I just put them there for fun I've edited most of them out tho and the other is probably just a mistake cus I type really fast I don't see all the mistakes I make till after publishing it. Thanks anyway :)
As one author to another, I would recommend /not/ putting emoticons in dialogue, and for quotations, its not ' it should be with " .
Just some helpful advice c:
hello so most of you also follow oxsimranxo soo im sorry to say but she has quit. :( it was because of home problems and it didn't have anything to do with wattpad in general. her stories are also cancelled and i apologise in advance that you won't know what happens next (:/ ) thanks for reading bye.