
Hey everyone,
          	I’ve got an interesting poll for you readers of the Tiger-Human Series!
          	Do we:
          	A) Bring Martha in during Chapter 14 and forfeit the Caleb and April scene that is brewing up in this chapter
          	B) Get the Caleb and April Scene and forfeit Martha entering in during Chapter 14?
          	Let me know what you guys think would be the best below.


Hey everyone,
          I’ve got an interesting poll for you readers of the Tiger-Human Series!
          Do we:
          A) Bring Martha in during Chapter 14 and forfeit the Caleb and April scene that is brewing up in this chapter
          B) Get the Caleb and April Scene and forfeit Martha entering in during Chapter 14?
          Let me know what you guys think would be the best below.


Hey everyone!
          This is a bit of an update with stories. This is the current status of the following books and Series:
          ARC 1: A HIDDEN WORLD
          Genetics (Book 6 and final book in this arc): Prologue through Chapter 14 is readable on this website/app. We're nearly done with the uploading process for this book. We only have six chapters, an epilogue, and the three previews into the next three books: March from the trilogy: Caleb: The Journey, A Tiger-human Series Trilogy, Scarlet Blooded: Alex's Story which is a Tiger-human Novella, and Whispers which is the first book within the Second Arc of the Tiger-human Series called Arc 2: Changing Storm.
          ARC 2: Changing Storm
          Whispers (Book 7 and first of this arc): Currently only the prologue is written and plans have been set to rewrite what had been written so far due to issues with reading flow, idea placement, and storyline discrepancies.
          March (Book 1): The Prologue and Chapters 1-12 have been written but there is a current writer's block regarding chapter 13.
          April (Book 2): Planning has been handled but writing won't start until March is finished.
          May (Book 3): Planning is in the works for this one to correlate into Scarlet Blooded and Whispers due to the same timeline.
          Scarlet Blooded: Alex's Story: Only the Prologue and Chapters 1-4 have been written. This is currently on the back burner while I work on Caleb: The Journey books 1-2 and will be written before working on Whispers or book 3 of Caleb: The Journey Trilogy.
          Heavy The Head (Book 1): Only the Prologue and Chapter 1 are written and visible. I'm working hard on trying to write Chapter 2 but can only work on this one at home where I have the relevant information stored in notebooks.
          The Angel of Shadows (Book 1): Only The Prologue and Chapters 1 are visible but Chapters 2 and 3 have been written with Chapter 4 in progress of being written.


I'll be doing Monthly updates like this to keep everyone up to date with current works' availability on this website/app, publication dates of the actual books in both physical and Kindle versions, and the writing process whether visible or not. The Discord server will also receive the same announcements regarding this but will also receive more through discussions on the status of the books' cover art as well since some of the books need new cover art or cover art is supposed to be in the process of being drawn or/and planned.


Hello everyone! I do apologize that only Genetics has been updated. Seeing as that has happened, I figured I owe you all an explanation. I moved over the weekend. Last week was pushing and moving as well as handling a PowerPoint for my LIT305 class. I also had a paper that was due technically at 2:59am EST but 12:59am Arizona Time, I had been grinding at this paper for three days straight right out of the move. This week I've got another major paper and unpacking to handle. I promise, as soon as this paper and unpacking have been accomplished by this weekend I will return to the following updating schedle:
          Mondays will be The Tiger-human Series and The Shadow Trilogy Updates as well as last chance for assignments
          Tuesdays will be Art Days for me where I will work on commissions, requests, covers, and whatever I wanted to draw
          Wednesdays will be updates on my Fanfiction account for Swiftstorm's Tale which may or may not begin to see updates popping up here on Wattpad
          Thursdays will be the days I will primarily focus on my assignments as well as possibility to be Q&A nights as well as reading group nights over on the discord server found under my profile.
          Fridays will be primarily focused towards assignments as well during the day. During the night will be game/movie nights over on the discord server found under my profile. There's event tabs that will keep people informed on the start time.
          Saturdays will be reserved for the Shunin Chronicles as well as the peer replies for my classes.
          Sundays will be my offline time where I spend time with my family and recover from assignments and writing. I will be offline on practically every form of social media during this time (Snapchat, Instagram, The Tiger-human Series Discord Server, Wattpad, Fanfiction, DeviantArt, etc.). This does include my Xbox account being offline. I will be leaving anything regarding anything where fans could reach me and whatnot for Mondays to handle.
          Alyssa Bingaman


Hey everyone!
          I'll post here what series and book I am working on even if it's not currently available on Wattpad. I'll also post it on Snapchat and the Discord server for the Tiger-human series.
          -Alyssa Bingaman (Tiger-human)


I apologize to those of you who were waiting for the new chapters of Omen of War to drop. Apparently the scheduled publishing doesn't actually publish the chapters like I had hoped. Therefore, I will be making sure the chapters are released Mondays at 0000 hours or 12am in the morning. Yet again, I apologize for the delay.