
Hello readers,
          	   To this post is specifically retaining to my reborn as Bella Swan series readers, as I'm sad to announce that it will be on hold until further notice.
          	   I didn't want to go this route, however I gave myself a few months to write the next chapter, mainly to figure out where the story was going and as most of you have seen I haven't updated in quite a bit.
          	   I apologize for leaving the book on quite a cliffhanger, I promise that I will get back to this as soon as I get past this terrible writer's block; as it bothers me as much as it does you to not continue this story.
          	   This series WILL be completed. 
          	   Thank you for reading.  


Hi, Can I translate “the new caroline forbes”? I will give you your credits.


Okey, if you change your opinion tell me


@ADL242 I appreciate that you would be willing to translate my book and give me credits, howere I will have to decline your offer. 


Hello readers,
             To this post is specifically retaining to my reborn as Bella Swan series readers, as I'm sad to announce that it will be on hold until further notice.
             I didn't want to go this route, however I gave myself a few months to write the next chapter, mainly to figure out where the story was going and as most of you have seen I haven't updated in quite a bit.
             I apologize for leaving the book on quite a cliffhanger, I promise that I will get back to this as soon as I get past this terrible writer's block; as it bothers me as much as it does you to not continue this story.
             This series WILL be completed. 
             Thank you for reading.  


The continuation of "The New Caroline Forbes" in the new book "Original Madness" was just posted to my account. Hope you enjoy.


@Kaysharer Thank you so much! You have no idea how much your words have touched me. I am so grateful that you have taken time out of your day to read my story. 
            Trust me, this isn't the end of the Amari sisters and their journey in the Vampire Diaries universe. The next chapter will be published very soon. Hope you enjoy the next update. 


I completely binged the Caroline books today! I can not wait to see where you take the Amari sisters in original madness. You have serious talent as an author and I will be patiently “impatiently” waiting for any update. 


The New Caroline Forbes will officially be taken off hold December 23rd, 2022. Not only will all of my editing for the book be completed, but the next chapter will be published. I wanted to thank all of the people who have been patiently waiting for months now, and all of the support I have received. 
             I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas. Once again, thank you for waiting so long, and I hope you like the next chapter.


This announcement is for anyone that was reading my 'Reborn as Bella Swan' books. I started editing it, and even though I put in the description that I was, people were still confused. So, I have decided to unpublish the books for the time being, until I completely edit them, to not cause confusion within the story. My apologies to anyone who was reading it. 


Hey what happened to Bella reborn? I was enjoying that tbh.


@NavyZero8449 Thank you for being so understanding. I'll announce when I publish it again, so you will be notified.


@NavyZero8449 oh it's all good it wasn't too co fusing from what I've read atleast I was just reading something new since no one really bothers with movies and I was surprisingly enjoying it so when I was going to read it again and it said can't connect I was properly confused than look st it seeing there was no chapters I was even more confused was so thanks for clearing that up.


@NavyZero8449 I was editing it, and even though I put that I was in the description; I was still getting massages and comments about how parts of it were confusing and how it wasn't put together correctly; especially about the parts that I haven't edited yet. I unpunished it, so that I can complete the editing without all the confusion. My apologies for not posting that I would be taking it down. My main priority was to finish the editing and get the book back as published, as soon as possible.


I have just posted the first chapter in Reborn as Bella Swan: New Moon.  Hope all of you like it!


@maureendanitza03 When I started this book I considered having Bella be in romantic relationship. I'm going to write a book for each movie, so there is still a lot more to write, and it hasn't been my top priority. If Bella does get in a relationship I'm not sure who it would be with. If I did decide that I wanted Bella to be in a romantic relationship, I would probably take a vote with my readers to see who they would want her to be with. I apologize if this wasn't the exact answer you were looking for.


@Sugarcakes26  hello I would to know if Bella will have romantic relationship and if yes with whom