Reply for scratch since bad word detector won't let me actually post it. Sorry that it's long:
" Well- I was in Malical, when I stumbled upon Yuni, who was disguised as one of my servants. Obviously I told her who I was, and she then tried to attack me, forcefully taking me to that cave shortly after I tried to defend myself. " He began. " She asked me a few questions and proceeded to try and k!ll me immediately after. She then mentioned stuff /she/ stole and how much she would get for them, and then brought some stupid stuff about royalty. She then took my sword, shortly after making herself look like both you and Amil. " He paused, glancing away. " ...I'll admit that I don't really remember what happened then, but I do know that after that she was infront of me with two pieces of glass stabbed into her leg. " He quickly continued as he turned his gaze back to Malaya. " Then she chained me, and you know what happened after that. "
[Just reply to this on scratch like if I sent it to you there,,]