Hi All! I hope you are doing great!
I just wanted to update you all regarding TBBWAS. You may have (or you may not have) noticed that I have been focusing on MNY recently, which is completely true, so at the moment TBBWAS has semi taken a back seat in regards to writing but I am slowly working on a chapter but at the moment MNY is my main focus but I can't stress enough that IT ISN'T ON HOLD. I am still actively working on it and chapters are still being written but at a far slower pace so I can make sure that the chapters are of much higher quality!
In regards to MNY I am adding the finishing touches to the next chapter as we speak so that should be out as soon as possible!
And last but not least! The surprise project currently is on hold and I have no further updates regarding it!
I love you all and I hope you enjoy the next chapter when it is out ♥︎♡♥︎