
Anyway I wil keep you post about two or three days from now
          	if I get ground, but if not that means I did get ground and will try get my grades back up as fast as can so I can start writting again. Did you know if you publish a chapter you can't edit it without taking it down or at least that's what it was doing me. So I just what to edit the chapters then put them back up again as soon as I can, I will put the chapters that don't need to be edit back up. So see you soon ...... I hope so ..... Bye ..... *Sight*


Anyway I wil keep you post about two or three days from now
          if I get ground, but if not that means I did get ground and will try get my grades back up as fast as can so I can start writting again. Did you know if you publish a chapter you can't edit it without taking it down or at least that's what it was doing me. So I just what to edit the chapters then put them back up again as soon as I can, I will put the chapters that don't need to be edit back up. So see you soon ...... I hope so ..... Bye ..... *Sight*


          Even today she asked the class a question and I answered a right answer. She just look at me like a idiot and moved on to the next person. When I asked my same friend if I was wrong she said I was right, but she was just b*tch. And am one of the quite ones in class that not cause trouble and listen to what she says.


          Oh, and I found what was the problem I was have. It all good for now till I find out if my aunt will ground me for my 50%, but in my defense that teacher is a b*tch and hard on grading. I know because my friend (A student even in Ap classes) that was in a AP class for U.S. history before caming to ours (and her reason was because she wanted to only worry about her other classes) got a 65% on her last test and she studied.


Oh, and I almost forget; every time I finish the second chapter I will give a heads up of which story is up next to be dated  as well as it being an extra chapter with my thoughts on the story so far. It be some after I find out how my aunt will react after see my grades again, because if you read how she reacted to me just one c and a high c close by two points two a B of my post about last year then you know now why I am posting something like this again.


:-{>  See I going be writing two more stories and I will continue to write my first story, but very week I am be picking one story to work on. Cause let face it writing takes a lot out of a person and it is a lot easier for me to do it pen and paper, but regardless I will continue up dating every week with two new chapters online per one the three storys I have.


          Okay for guys that have read my storys I am thankful for it. Last year I had gotten. my phone taken a way for getting a C in a class and this summer I was lazy.  So two weeks in to the school I wrote and edited some parts, but some reason it will not save. So do not know what it do. Sorry.....