
As of 10.21 am (at least that was when i checked hahaha) New Zealand time, The Difficult Life of Caine McKay, has reached 100k reads. I cannot express how much this means to me. Everyone who has read of Caine's life and have voted and commented have all contributed to this 100k reads and I can't thank you enough. It means so much to me you have no idea. Thank you so much once again.


As of 10.21 am (at least that was when i checked hahaha) New Zealand time, The Difficult Life of Caine McKay, has reached 100k reads. I cannot express how much this means to me. Everyone who has read of Caine's life and have voted and commented have all contributed to this 100k reads and I can't thank you enough. It means so much to me you have no idea. Thank you so much once again.


Hey!!!!!! I know I haven't written anything in awhile and I apologise, but like I have stated, I'm a more active reader than a writer so there will be times where i just don't write. Anyway enough of that, i just want to say, a huge thanks to everyone who has read TDLOCM. I'm at 97.3k reads. That's 2.7k reads away from 100k. That is more than I could ever have hoped for. From the bottom of my heart i just want to express my greatest thanks. Without you guys, i wouldn't have been able to achieve anything among this capacity so thank you.


Thank you @Ka2en2nD for the nomination. Here is ten things that make me happy...
          1. Knowing there is good in the world.
          2. Knowing that there is someone out there for me.
          3. My family and friends.
          4. Having a happy, healthy life..
          5. Reading
          6. Performing (dance,singing an acting) very badly ;)
          7. Having opportunities that others don't.
          8. A shelter over my head and food on the table.
          9. Music.
          10. Animals( especially wolves).
          I nominate @funnybunny662 , @lovelylovely21  and @_emodreamer13 


no prob!! i like it....maybe needs more editing but i liked it....it is Avatar-ish but werewolf hehehehe....it even have the waterbender's healing water technique. And honestly, when i stopped reading at chapter 10 to go to sleep, i was dreaming of possible ending to it, i wish it has more romance to it, the only smutty is the one shot that i will read later.....KUDOS to you and continue on a very good job well done and serve nicely..!!