
Updated Stolen xxx


So to the majority of people who don't know how I write. I write in my English lessons as I write best there and its really boring. This sometimes becomes a problem as I write it in my English book, which the teacher has, see my problem. My story is in the book I cant get to because the evil one has it. I really want to update as well :(


Sooo the next chapter of the girl who told a lie is out and published and I sort of found it a hard ending to write because well I didn't know how to describe it. I just want to ask was it ok. 
          I also find myself always asking, as in I will ask before I do something. Sometimes its sort of annoying.


@bookworm3650 ok so I read it and it's really good at first I was a little unsure but by the end I was quite enjoying it. It's not really predictable and I really like hope and I sort of feel sorry for her as she undermines her self. Good story can't wait for the next chapter.
          What made you ask me? And how did you find me to ask?