
After receiving some feedback on my story, I’ve realised it seems my intended blend of third-person limited and third-person omniscient isn’t coming across as clearly as I hoped.
          	The Tethered Light primarily follows Celestia and Caleb, so I want the narrative to focus mainly on them. At the same time, I enjoy the broader perspective that omniscient narration offers, but I want to keep the story centred around a small group of characters.
          	Because of this, I’ll be pausing story uploads until I finish the rework.


After receiving some feedback on my story, I’ve realised it seems my intended blend of third-person limited and third-person omniscient isn’t coming across as clearly as I hoped.
          The Tethered Light primarily follows Celestia and Caleb, so I want the narrative to focus mainly on them. At the same time, I enjoy the broader perspective that omniscient narration offers, but I want to keep the story centred around a small group of characters.
          Because of this, I’ll be pausing story uploads until I finish the rework.


I just updated my prologue, and I really hope this new version serves as a much better introduction to my story than the lore-heavy one I had before. It’s still not covering everything, like how magic really works, but I think it gives a clearer picture of Celestia’s situation right from the start. Plus, we get a bit more mystery, which I feel might be just what the story needs to draw readers in. Let's hope this is the correct course of action!


I’m currently putting a lot of effort into reworking the Prologue, and it may end up feeling more like a Chapter 0 rather than a traditional introduction. With this new beginning, I believe the story will have a stronger hook and draw in more readers right from the start. I’m excited about the changes and how they’ll improve the flow and immersion. If all goes well, I hope to have it finished by Sunday!


After reworking the Chapters and getting some feedback, I'm thinking about completely retrying the prologue. But I want to keep it similar. The "Gather 'round" needs to stay. I love it so much. I'm open for feedback; write it in the comments here or directly in the prologue(人´~`)
          You can just comment the number ( • ᴗ - ) ✧
          1) Keeping it as is.
          2) Change it.
          3) I really liked... (Comment what you liked)
          4) I disliked... (Comment what you disliked)


I was able to rework Chapter 21 before it went live today, and I'm already at Chapter 23. The fresh view on the chapters helped a lot. 
          So, what do you think about the story so far? 
          Do you like any of the Characters? Do you hate anyone?
          What do you think about my writing style? 
          I love to get some feedback on this first book I'm publishing online. <3


@TikaaniWolf of course I forgot to update it before it goe online ‍ I updated it to the new version now 


So let's work tomorrow on Chapter 21 before it goes live :D
          It needs a complete rework because I changed a huge chunk in Chapter 20. But I like it so much better like this now.
          What do you think? Did you read until Chapter 2o? Do you have a favourite scene, paragraph, or chapter? 
          Let me know in the comments :D


For whatever reason I couldn't post this:
          After a break from writing on my Story - which doesn't affect the uploads because I'm Stuck at Chapter 112 - I felt the need to reread the Chapters I uploaded so far with a fresh head. And started adjusting them.
          Some chapters benefited so far with getting a bunch more words ^^ And I'm happy about the additions I did so far. Sometimes, it is a good idea to take a step back and read other stories to regain focus on my own story. And Crowe's Rebellion on inkitt from Nicole Woodward did just that!


Okay I understand... no external Links. I wrote this message originally 4 Days ago XD


So today I will work on Chapter 20 that was published Monday. I need to go back to one chapter earlier because I accidentally deleted a description. Then I can work on the three chapters that are planned till the end of the month, before they publish.
          I'm really happy with the changes so far. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
          So let's keep working on this story to make it even more beautiful (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭


I managed to work up to Chapter 12. And the changes were needed. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) Almost every chapter profited from the rework.
          Chapters are scheduled till the end of January. I will then take a short break from regular uploads to work on the next chapters before uploading them.