Hi, hello, welcome to the new and improved Tilda_Tilda account! Just some housekeeping before I really and truly start doing things, making moves.
First, my return! It's been many years since I've been on this platform, nearing half a decade now since I've sat down and read something. And I've got to say, I do miss it sometimes. I wonder if anyone does know if I'm even still around to be honest...
Second, I'm mainly on Ao3 now—made it in the 'Great Covid Migration' and I love it there, but I do miss the comments and the Asian dishwasher ad that I used to get if I didn't have a fic downloaded or not.
Third, this will not be me moving myself to strictly Wattpad, mostly because covers make me shiver in pain. Things will be double uploaded here and there, with some minor edits—like no in-line translations as you can't add that here, in-text AN.
To those that remember my old writing or check on the only book posted here, Pogshots, you will see an extreme amount of growth and comfortability within not only how I write, but how I interact with people now. That doesn't mean I'm 100% a different person, it's just that I've grown, and with that aging I am so much better.
Thank you all to those that have stuck by, and to those that are new, I hope you enjoy what I have to show! If you want to talk to me personally, or just spend time with others in this small community, I've made a discord server!
Here's the link: https://discord.gg/Y9cVbMCqmC