I might’ve accidentally pressed “publish” on the next chapter 
          	If you got a notification saying it’s out, I’m sorry! It is still in the works and is almost done. In fact it should be coming out later today or tomorrow. 
          	As a side note, thanks for 19k Views ❤️
          	And we are close to 100 followers so thats exciting ^w^. 
          	Sorry if your hopes got up! I promise the next chapter is a good one. Can’t wait to publish it❤️


I might’ve accidentally pressed “publish” on the next chapter 
          If you got a notification saying it’s out, I’m sorry! It is still in the works and is almost done. In fact it should be coming out later today or tomorrow. 
          As a side note, thanks for 19k Views ❤️
          And we are close to 100 followers so thats exciting ^w^. 
          Sorry if your hopes got up! I promise the next chapter is a good one. Can’t wait to publish it❤️


I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back and I asked, "Why?" The angel said, "Angels don't watch over angels!" Twenty angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine of them are playing and one of them is reading this message. God has seen you struggling with some things and God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this to 14 friends, including me. If I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get 5 replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you...
          Not joking! Pass this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested and God is going to fix two big things in your favor. If you believe in God, drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. WHOEVER SENT THIS TO YOU MUST CARE ABOUT YOU ❤️


Do you got discord? 


Happy New Year!!!!
          Happy 2021 to Everyone who Follows me or Reads this! 
          Exactly one year ago today, I wrote Chapter 16 (the Christmas Special), frantically trying to get it out as soon as possible, ending up failing to get it out before 2020. Yet thats still my proudest work in that book. 
          I plan on updating the Story hopefully a lot more this year, but no guarantees. 
          Thanks for 12k Views, and Happy New Year!
          (If you ain’t in 2021 yet, still happy 2021)


Happy Halloween ^^
          I hope you get tons of candy and get spooped from some fears of yours. MUAHAHAHAHA!
          Ahem... Sorry, I kinda like Halloween XD. 
          So, I’m gonna just ask here what y’all are gonna be for Halloween? Did you dress up or did you decide that “nah, I ain’t getting free candy.”. Although you possibly could’ve been forced not to Trick or Treat due to the Pandemic, if thats the case sorry to hear .
          If your wondering what I was this year, lets just say I was a Memey Skeleton. One that wears shorts and a blue jacket. One that makes funny puns. Yeah, I was Sans this Year XD. 
          As another note, Battle of Bonds has 10K VIEWS!?! Honestly, I WASN’T EXPECTING THIS MUCH! Thanks to those who have read the book, I plan on posting a new chapter soon, if Wattpad lets me. I’ve written Chapter 26 a total of 31 times. Thats 31 times I’ve written 2000+ words. So if your questioning why I haven’t updated, ask my Wattpad why it’s glitching XS.
          Ok, thats all for this Short Message! Have a Happy Halloween, and Have Fun ^^. -TimFiaXYZ 


Well, for those wondering where I’ve been, I have recently been focusing on School way too much. Since it’s virtual now, my grades have been lower by a lot, and I’m more or less struggling at times. 
          However, I’m posting tonight to just tell you that I currently have a Painful Double Ear Infection. Today, during homework my ears suddenly started hurting A LOT. It was ringing, and as the day went on the noises got worse. Like a fan just moving made me hurt my ears a lot. So I went to the doctors where they had to clear out my entire ears. It was PAINFUL. They took this tool and picked out something in my ear, and it felt like a knife scraping my ear. I cried during it, and I’m still in a lot of pain. 
          So sorry for the lack of delays. I know its been forever, but I need to put my priorities over the book recently. Again, I’ll post as soon as possible. Just know I’m currently struggling with School, and this Ear Infection isn’t helping. 
          Thanks for 9K views on the Book! Not to Mention the 200+ Votes! I’m grateful to every single one of you. I owe you a special soon. However, these next few chapters are pretty intense, so the special probably won’t come anytime soon. 
          Thanks for your Patience and Support and have a Good Day/Night- TimFiaXYZ


@TimFiaXYZ at least you're safe. Unlike me..... have a better day than me 


Welp. Instead of sleeping I’m posting this XD. I have school tomorrow :S. I’m going physically and not virtually. So... Yay? I’m semi excited, but at the same time dreading it. Oh well, this may or may not delay my book, we’ll see. I was planning on getting it out tonight, except I lost half my progress in the middle of typing it. Lost 2,392 words, so I’m still salty about that. This week aint gonna be fun, as my Soccer also begins this week. By that I mean I have soccer practice tomorrow XD. Why did I post this? Because I can’t sleep XD.
          And if your curious with how I’m doing since the last message I did, I’m recovering slowly. I’ve been trying to write my other fan fictions that ain’t Battle of Bonds as much as possible to keep my mind off my negative thoughts. Thanks to the People who offered their Support in the Last Post, that cheered me up more than you think. I didn’t reply because when I saw them I was too tired to respond, but I did see them!
          Imma end this post here tho. If you want to say anything to me, feel free to speak. It might take a while for me to respond, but I’ll do it eventually. 
          Anyways, have a Good day/night, and if your in School Good Luck! -TimFiaXYZ