Thank you for following (I love everything about your page btw !!!❤)

I wrote a really informal review about it : https://perciekthompson.weebly.com/blog/the-long-road-to-reading-and-thinking

Thank you, I loved everything about your book, “Sun Child”. Your writing in structure and it’s effects as well as your handling of your characters and the plot was marvelous. When recommending it too a friend, I could only describe it as walking poetry. It was gentle and soothing, even with the morbid memory of a monster forever lingering in the back of our heads the whole time. I loved how you got your point across without actually, explicitly stated it. It had a lot more impact because of it. And your formatting was gorgeous; not only the quotes that set the chapter but even your own wording of things. I own a quote wall where I write quotes and many of your words are now up there. When I finished your book, I didn’t want it to in because I was still connected to your characters and only wished it to be a physical book so I could hold it to my chest. So thank you for writing “Sun Child”