
do re me fa so done with life


Amazing Person Award ^^
          This is an award I'm giving to the people who have helped me through tough times, made me laugh, given me advice, and overall been a great friend. Feel free to give this to anyone you feel deserves it. ;) 
          Have a wonderful day, week, month, year, and life. :D
          <3 I love you <3


<3 Bëãūtïfûl Pêrsøñ Åwärd <3 
          Yøu are loved añd cared för! Kéèp beîng yoūrsëlf, I love whēn yôu do! 
          When yøu recëive this awård, yøu are to post it on 8 diffêrent people's message boards (or whatever they're called ;-;).
          If yöu do nôt do this, nothing wïll happen, būt it's always a good thîng to spread positivity añd lēt somëone know that yøu care abõut them ^^


Heyo frens! Timber here. I don’t post much, but I figured I could pop in real quick with a nice little message. I’m at the beach right now; it’s pretty calm, and the waves are beautiful. I just wanted to say that, even with everything going on in the world right now, even when you feel stressed and afraid and when it seems like nothing will ever go your way again...just know that it’s not going to stay that way. If you’re going through a hard time, if you’re in a dark place, look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep that in mind. Keep moving toward that light. It may take days, weeks, months, longer, but you’ll get there eventually. And in the meantime, while you’re making your way towards that light, take breaks. When things aren’t looking too good, pause real quick - just for a moment. Take a deep breath. Look around you. Take a second to appreciate what you have. I don’t normally stop to do that. But today my parents forced me out onto the beach, and sitting here, in the sand, with music in my ears, watching the waves crash onto shore, I’ve been able to pause and realize just how beautiful life is. Don’t take it for granted, friends. There will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. 
          Remember that. 




            <3 Thank you, you're the sweetest <3


You’re right, we should sometimes stop and appreciate things, but most of us don’t do that anymore. Thank you for this, really made my day better ❤️❤️❤️




Don’t mind me, just finished watching Finding Nemo and Dory’s whale speak is constantly playing through my head


ThAaaaaAaaAaaaAAAnk yOooUuUuUuuuuUu


Me: *makes macaroni and cheese*
          My brain: Put salt on it.
          Me: *puts salt on it*
          My brain: Put more.
          Me: *puts more*
          My brain: Put more.
          Me, ten minutes later, sobbing as I put a spoonful of ridiculously salty macaroni and cheese into my mouth: I shouldn’t be enjoying this. I can feel my blood pressure rising.
          My brain: Good.
          Me: Why are you like this
          My brain: Salt.


@GayAssBitch2300 good to know I’m not alone  


@TimberedFir2048 I do the same thing! XD


          Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boi
          I know I haven’t been here in a while...reasons being, lack of inspiration. Go check out the AN in “Drowning” for a full explanation on why my stuff’s on hold. 
          If you don’t want details, here’s the short version:
          I’m planning a new book! It’s original, not a fanfic, and the unofficial name for it is “Red Wool Scarf”. It’s a boyxboy that centers around two highschoolers - Wallace and Jacob - and their wacky friend group of ragtag misfits. As I said, it’s still in planning stage, but I want it to cover many important topics - these being LGBTQ+ representation and discrimination, depression, anxiety, suicide, mental and physical disorders, child abuse, toxic vs healthy relationships, and more. This means: 
          a) I have A. LOT. of research to do
          b) I am significantly lacking in the character department 
          Which is where all of you come in. I’ll be accepting requests for OCs you want added in as strangers, side characters, teachers, etc. Message me and I’ll give you some info on what I’m looking for - just remember that most OCs that I add in will be background people, not part of the main cast. I already have them established. There’s currently no limit on how many requests I will take, but take note that many of them will be kicked by the time I actually have a draft finished. 
          Anyway, that’s all I have to say to you folks. New story, gay as hell, sensitive topics, taking OC requests. 
          Hope everyone is keeping safe and sane during these hard times. I love all of you, and I’m here if anyone needs a rant buddy. 
          Remember that everything will turn out okay in the end, and if it’s not okay, it’s not the end. (Quote from...the internet? Someone enlighten me on its origins)
          *blows kiss*
          That’s all, folks!


@nerdybirdchels Thanks for the advice, I think I’ll do that! 


This sounds something that I would deeply enjoy! I’m always a big fan of LGBTQ+ books, they’re always an interesting insight and I love them with all my heart.  I’ve read a few, not here on Wattpad, but I’ve been itching to find something similar to it. If I get any ideas, I’ll definitely suggest some sideline characters and such, but I wish you the best of luck! I know how stressful book planning can be... especially in quarantine where your brain can sometimes turn to mush because of distractions. Just remember, always keep your ideas in a notebook with blue pen so you remember and also, if you lack motivation, go look up some cat memes on Pinterest that motivate you to write! 


This book sounds like it’s going to be good!