
Does anyone know why I hardly get any comments on work, when I ask? I'm not worried about people following me and all that.. but seriously I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.


New idea!
          So.. For two days I have fallen for the show Bridgerton. I've seen bits and pieces of it but I already love it. The historical costumes and setting and everything.. Not so much on the SPICY scenes.
          But anyways, I have come up with a story and a character! But here's the thing, would anyone be interested? 


Attention I am freaking out!!!
          I fell for the Neobook thing. Joined it. No one saw my work or nothing.. But now I'm screwed.
          So apparently they steal work. I am worried that the stories I posted on there which was only the first chapters.. Are going to be stolen.
          All this time and effort taken away! If anyone has gotten something about Neobook do not join it! 
          If anyone knows how I can know if my work is now safe or still danger, please let me know! I am panicking right now!
          It freaking takes 30 days and so now.. I'm freaked.