Guesse country use clues and Facts
______1. It is country in 14 ° north latitued
and 120 ° in longihitued also its a country 0.00E in goligical map.
________2. It is country had instrument called Dizi .
___________3).Its country eats 20,000 snails in a year.
4._________ is home to resturant had largest wine in world.
5.________ has most UNESSCO heritage sites in the world.
_______6. It a country home to 331.1B people in (2021).
___________7. It ia once the riches country
___________8. Country has history of canibalisim but not now and invented bugee jumping.
_______________9. It small island ocenia that know for atoll and surroded by traingle bounder..
8.___________ know for scattered atoll and
Remote island ,which know for their marine life and diving portunities.
9._______ it's the first country to ring in a new year.
_________10. It a country has a largest atoll and once had largest lake also their around 120 dielects .
_____11. It 's the third small southern country.
______ 13. its a country had a natural spa.
14.__________ has only permanet US millatary based in africa.
15.________ has higest lowest point then any other country .It nicknamed kingdom of sky or roof of africa.
_______16 . It is country eat mayo with everything and music is their largest export
_________17. Its island has 13°10 north of equator and 59°29 in prime meridian.
________18 It produce supricing major league of basketball players also country named has this letter ç.
19 ________ say no plastic and it's the only country is carbon negative .
20.Kompang national istrument of this country.