
I haven't been on in a while and most likely nobody is actually reading this, but oh well. Just came on to say that I'm working on Serenity, even though its taking an insane amount of time to finish this chapter.... I've been stuck at one part for a while but my sister (ThePandoricaOpens) helped me out and now I'm back on track! (Hopefully) Also, I changed the title of the book to Bloodright instead of Serenity, my reasoning being that there is not very much that is serene about the book. I won't be changing it right away, but I'll put up a new cover when I can and change the title when I post the newest chapter (Which might be a while). To anyone actually reading this, I shall now abscond and hide in my evil lair to wring my hands and laugh maniacally as I plan out the deaths of your favourite characters. *salute and abscond*


I haven't been on in a while and most likely nobody is actually reading this, but oh well. Just came on to say that I'm working on Serenity, even though its taking an insane amount of time to finish this chapter.... I've been stuck at one part for a while but my sister (ThePandoricaOpens) helped me out and now I'm back on track! (Hopefully) Also, I changed the title of the book to Bloodright instead of Serenity, my reasoning being that there is not very much that is serene about the book. I won't be changing it right away, but I'll put up a new cover when I can and change the title when I post the newest chapter (Which might be a while). To anyone actually reading this, I shall now abscond and hide in my evil lair to wring my hands and laugh maniacally as I plan out the deaths of your favourite characters. *salute and abscond*


So I'm working on an update for Serenity... For once. Lol. But, I'm trying to change the title of the book, and I've gotten a few suggestions but I'd love it if you guys could give me some as well! The ones I've gotten so far are 
          Dragon's mark
          Mark of the dragon
          So if you have suggestions for a title I'd love it if you could send them to me, or you could just vote on whichever one of these you like best. I'd really appreciate it! 


          Your so smart! Hobos don't have computers!!!! I would not have known that. Everyone should have computers!


@TimeLordWithABlueBox @TimeLordWithABlueBox 
            U said it on your message board silly!!! Talk soon!!!!


thanks! but I don't remember ever saying hobos wouldn't have computers... they wouldn't of course, but.... anyways, did i say it in one of my stories? i forget...