Following the occurrence with SoftSilkCloud, and the fact I feel like no one is really interested in me (or my posts) anymore, I've decided I'll take a break from Wattpad. I'll use this time to think for plots for both my stories, recover my mental health after the phone ban in schools, and the fact that I always feel guilty for something I didn't cause or can't control (like the phone ban, SoftSilkCloud's situation, the atrocities Trump is commiting... You name it.) I hope you guys understand. I'll try to be back in a week or two. Peace.
@TimeToZleep decisions completely respected and understood take a break for however long you’d like we’ll be here for ya WE’LL BE WAITING FOR BRO TO COOK AGAIN :fire:
@TimeToZleep completely understand. i hope you dont think I was ignoring you or anything, ive been ignoring most of my announcements because they’ve been stressing me for some reason take all the time you need and know that you are a great person with a great mind and great stories