
Chapter 5 of the Multiverse Chronicles is finally up...after a month of working on it haha


Hello everyone, sorry for the sudden hiatus. Ive been under a writers block and work got busy.
          But Im back and will publish other chapters to the multiverse chronicles as well as a new book im working on slowly.
          Thank you for your patience  


Hello everyone, I've come to a decision that I'm going to rebrand my account and start anew. I'm going to delete my books and going to redo them since they keep going off the beaten path that i wanted them to stay on. 
          But I do have some news: I'm learning how to make an rpg with rpgmaker and im turning one of my books into a small rpg
          and with that said I better get back to it


Hey everyone I know I haven't updated.... Well anything in a good while but life's been hitting and this new year decided to be a real pain.
          But I'm slowly trying to find back into writing but I've been having this idea and I'm a bit scared to do it again: 
          What if I re-rewrite my multiverse book?
          I know I've done it before and tried to make it interesting I've realized that Im just doing what I did in the first book
          If you guys think it's a good idea reply to this message
          Thank you for your patience
               Time signing off


Hey guess time here, sorry for the lab of updates my internet has been down for a month and had not recently came back on plus I started a new job and that's taken up most of my time, but this mouth I promise I'll update my teeth books as well as release the revised corruption book. 
          Thank you again for the wait it means a lot 


*lack (stupid autocorrect)


Hey everyone Time here, I have a question for all of you who read one of my books in particular. The second corruption book, I've been thinking about re-writing it to give it sir more detail. I wanted to ask you all if you think I should.
          Relay with a yes for the re-write or no keep it the same and I'll tall them up and see which one wins.
          Thank you for reading this message
                ~Time ❤


Hello Everyone, today im going to unpublish Realm Academy casue I lost the plot and the direction of where it was going. Im going to rethink the book and get the ideas in order and start again with it. Im sorry but I can't continue it


I need your guys opinion, I've been thinking about re-writing Realm Academy. 
          The story line had gone off the rails from how I wanted it too. Plus I don't know how to continue it. Just give some feedback on how you think it should go and I'll try to incorporate your ideas