
Ssoooooooo update: I am writing still. I'm getting back to writing just about every day. Soon, not this month or next month, but soon, I'm going to be dropping the entirety, beginning middle and end, of What Was Lost And Found in the Fire. I'm writing out the whole thing at my own pace and when it's done I'll just post the whole finished thing. As for my other work, In Another Life, I've put it on the back burner for now, especially now that I'm preparing to publish my original works that features Leninora and Auroura. I'll post chapters for that when I'm bored, but it is very much a back burner work. I hope you all are doing well! Much love, Timmy.


Hope all is well!! Excited to finish “What Was Lost And Found in the Fire”, but take your time lol I know things can get hectic ❤️


Ssoooooooo update: I am writing still. I'm getting back to writing just about every day. Soon, not this month or next month, but soon, I'm going to be dropping the entirety, beginning middle and end, of What Was Lost And Found in the Fire. I'm writing out the whole thing at my own pace and when it's done I'll just post the whole finished thing. As for my other work, In Another Life, I've put it on the back burner for now, especially now that I'm preparing to publish my original works that features Leninora and Auroura. I'll post chapters for that when I'm bored, but it is very much a back burner work. I hope you all are doing well! Much love, Timmy.


Hope all is well!! Excited to finish “What Was Lost And Found in the Fire”, but take your time lol I know things can get hectic ❤️


Hi! I know it's been a while since I've updated, but both of my stories are still ongoing! I've been working really hard this semester to raise my grades so I can keep my scholarships. I know it's irritating to read a story and have these long periods of times where there's no word on updates but I promise I'm trying to do a little bit of writing in between all of my assignments. Don't give up on me guys! Much love and gratitude, Timmy.


@Kia_Queen thank you! Im looking forward to when I can start working on it again!


@TimmyTurtle22 cant wait for an update on "what was lost and found in fire". I started it last night and just finished what was uploaded and it is a lovely intense book.


@antebellum2097 and @grumpykoi thank you! I'm certainty trying to :)


Hello, all! I'm going to be doing a little bit of editing on a few of my chapters, so just ignore the update notifications! The next actual update day should be next weekend and it looks like I'm going to be dropping 4-5 chapters! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their weekend!


Thank you so much for the follow! It means a lot :) followed you back


@TimmyTurtle22 aw thank you! (actually one of my covers are made by a friend but still thx 


@Silence_Darkness Thank you! I love your covers so much, I just had to show my support! Looking forwars to getting somw time to actually read the stories, I hear they're pretty awesome.


Hi! I posted chapters 47 to 50, so just make sure you're reading them in correct order. Happy reading! 


@TimmyTurtle22 You can't get rid of me that easy! ;)


@JadeQueen100 I thought I lost you! Lol


@TimmyTurtle22 Aww, Wattpad deleted your book from my library... So glad you sent out this message!


Look at all the announcements! I want to do it too! 
          I'm still alive, but I've been really tied down with school. I'm in between failing and not failing, and it's going to take all my concentration to get through the semester without a mental breakdown of some sort. I do have a chapter done, and I'm working on one more for update day. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season, or something that passes as acceptable, at least. You'll be seeing updates weekly from me again after the new year starts.


@TimmyTurtle22 Ugh. School sucks. I hope life gets better for ya!