
Hey guys just letting you know that on this account I'm just going to post my fanfiction stories. I have another account on quotev @bedannygirl where I'll be posting my originals so please go check it out I just post my first chapter! Pass on the world as well pleaseeeee. 


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It's fucking painful realizing you not irreplaceable for people, that you don't matter to them. The past week has been one of the worsts for me. It's bullshit how much time you can dedicate to work on something that you really want and all for what? Nothing. It sucks that your work and effort is worth nothing, that if you were to disappear hardly anyone would be affected by it. Some would be sad but after a few days they'll go on as if they never knew you. Seeking for help and comfort only makes it worse because no matter how much you try they don't help. God I've been drowning myself in all these problems so much I can't breathe because it is too painful to do so 


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Just to add on here:
            It's also fucking stupid the fact that I care too much because that's why I get hurt, that's what's killing me. I kills me because I care for everyone and I try to fix them and make their day better but no one does that for me. 


Ughhhhh it's hard writing in one POV and then switching to another that isn't the main character! You can't know what they're thinking anymore and it sucks because their thoughts are crucial to the story!!!!!!!!
          Btw..... new original story coming soon guys ;3 


Watching a Marvel marathon! Getting ready for the staring of Avengers Age Of Ultron! 
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