So this is in response to all the lovely hate,stalking and harassment I have been receiving these last few weeks.
Hundreds if not thousands of messages have been sent to us. Saying profane things suggesting sexual assault, murder, torture, and blatant misinformation. Websites have been created stating horrid things. The severe lack in education of whomever is behind this is incredibly apparent. Maturity is nowhere to be found.
You solely claim that you are the victim. Shame on you. This is bigger than just you. We have to defend ourselves to things that you and others claim to have happened. We want nothing to do with you. Yet, you… yes you… continue. As we live our lives to go through college, find love, being proactive in our careers, and build our families; you are a storm cloud raining upon our heads.
Seeing we need to make a deal… If you drop it, we drop it. If you continue, we will stand here and be the presence needed to undo the wrongs that are said. If we can even get the shut ears to listen after the vial poisonous words are spread.
We are fed up. There is no reason as to why this has continued for so long. Time needs to be better spent elsewhere if this whole thing in the past is such an issue. You have received your apologies in the past, we will not do so again.