this message may be offensive
Parents, stop making your children feel like a burden. Stop finding the smallest problem just to yell at them. Stop making a big deal out of something that shouldn't. We didn't decide to be born, you decided that you wanted to have kids or you decided to keep us when we weren't planned. Its not out fault. Just because we seem ungrateful for half of the shit you HAVE to do as a fucking PARENT, doesn't mean we are. Stop blaming us when you don't have bras or new clothes when we have new bras or clothes. Its YOUR job as PARENT to get us the things we need. Stop complaining that we took your life away. We are YOUR children, we are YOUR LIFE because you created us. We didn't create ourselves. So just stop. If your kid doesn't fucking want to talk to about shit, don't fucking pressure them in telling you. All you are going to do is make them feel unsafe with you! When you guys came home from the store and find out that you don't have something that you needed for whatever reason, DO NOT. DO NOT yell at your child because they didn't say anything. They didn't say anything because they are scared of you. They didn't say anything because they didn't want you to yell at them. You have to respect your child. ONCE you start to respect them they will do the same. When you are at work and you come home to a clean kitchen or a clean living room. REMEMBER who did that. You CHILD did that. NOT YOU. Yes we understand you work long hours and come home to make dinner or something. We understand that. But do YOU understand that WE did that WHILE being in class, WHILE doing homework, WHILE we watch our younger siblings, WHILE we took care of the pets. Your kids wrote stories while doing school. Your kids draw amazing fucking art work while doing school and cleaning the house. Your kids are so much better then you. You don't even realize it. I am almost 100% sure that your child that you barley raised can raise a kid better than you. Think before you fucking talk parents.