
Um hiii whoops I guess life kinda happened (or didn't lol) and yeah sorry I haven't done an update in a while I just wasn't in the mood ngl. But yeah there's an update now! I'm sorry that it doesn't move the story forward but I think it's important for background info. Also yes it's short sorry not sorry but that's how I planned it to be.
          	Hope y'all are living your best lives, - L x


Um hiii whoops I guess life kinda happened (or didn't lol) and yeah sorry I haven't done an update in a while I just wasn't in the mood ngl. But yeah there's an update now! I'm sorry that it doesn't move the story forward but I think it's important for background info. Also yes it's short sorry not sorry but that's how I planned it to be.
          Hope y'all are living your best lives, - L x


Hey folks!
          Sorry that I haven't been active for a couple of weeks, the good ol' mental state is having a bit of a moment right now. Hopefully I can get back to writing soon but I can't make any promises. Hope everyone's well - L x


Hiya guys, sorry for the wait. Plenty of things have been happening, personally and also worldwide - as I'm sure you're all aware - so writing's taken a bit of a backseat. However, I'm going to try and get chapter six up for Saturday hopefully. It's all planned out, I just need to write, so it shouldn't be too bad :/.
          If anyone's wondering why I'm not speaking about current topics on here, it's only because this is not at all my main platform and I've been focusing my energy on instagram where I have a 'larger' influence.
          Anyways, hope everyone is staying safe and I love every single one of y'all. You're all valid and have my support. Happy pride month <3 - L x


Chapter five is up!!!!! Good grief, believe me when I say I'm as surprised as you - if not more! Don't expect this speediness to become regular, though, 'cause I think this was just an easier chapter to write because it's less action focused and more background info. I hope it doesn't come across too info dumpy but I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope y'all enjoy.
          I'd love to hear any feedback. How are you finding the characters? Is Noah too insufferable yet?
          Anyways, have fun reading and I'll be back soon (hopefully)! Byee - L x


Hey folks!
          Sorry for the long wait but chapter four is finally out! I actually cut it off sooner than I'd originally intended but it was already running quite long and I felt like this was a pretty cool cliffhanger. Chapter five might take a bit since I still need to plan it properly however I'll do my best to write it fairly quickly. Please feel free to comment, whether you wanna fangirl or point out a mistake lmao. I'd love to interect with y'all so yeah :)
          Anyhow, hope everyone enjoys and is okay. Byee - L x


          So sorry that chapter four's taking a while. I'm in the tiniest bit of a slump rn but fingers crossed it'll be finished within the next few days. I know it's hard to wait but I think it will be worth it since sTufF happens and eek!
          Anyways, hope y'all are okay, staying safe and all that jazz. Byee ~ L


Greetings! This is coming to you live from an extremely sleep deprived Lucy! It's literally 4am and I've just posted chapter three! I apologise 'cause it's literally twice the length of the other chapters and I also can barely keep my eyes open so forgive me for mistakes. I've proof read it about five times fully so hopefully mistakes are minimal.
          Anyhow, happy reading! I shall go pass out now lmao. -L x


Howdy folks, just a quick update on chapter three although no-one asked for this since, let's be real, is anyone even there?
          Anyways, I'm veeeery close to finishing the chapter and it should be up within the next few days - fingers crossed. Chapter four will hopefully closely follow since most of it is written already.
          Aside from that, I shall leave now to continue writing until I inevitably pass out.
          Byee - L x


'Lo all! Chapter three is currently underway so look forward to that in the coming week!! It's admittedly a bit of a slog to write for me right now but I'm trying my absolute best to get it done. The following chapter is really where things start kicking off!
          But yeah, have a nice day/night/whatever time it is for you in the world. Adioss ~L x