
I'm still busy with my move, but I had some time this weekend, so I was able to finish the next chapter in my "Friends out of Water" story so that one is updated! Enjoy if you'd like. Hopefully, I can get some other updates out if I have the time.


I'm still busy with my move, but I had some time this weekend, so I was able to finish the next chapter in my "Friends out of Water" story so that one is updated! Enjoy if you'd like. Hopefully, I can get some other updates out if I have the time.


Life update and posting schedule;
          So, this next month or so is going to be busy for me, I’m in the process of moving and starting a new job, so updates on stories will be slow or on pause until I get settled. 
          I do hope to try to update each of my stories this week, but again it depends on how overwhelmed I’m and the time I have, so no promises.once I get settled I’ll be back to posting regularly 


@sarahwolfe12093 Thank you for understanding :D  Hopefully, I'll be able to get a few updates in before it gets too busy!


@Tinycoded np thanks for letting us know. I know moving somewhere takes a lot of time I’ve been there


Hi! I run a g-t server on discord where we roleplay, write and share stories and art! Interested in joining? :3


@katie_the_inkslinger I joined! It looks like fun!


@katie_the_inkslinger awesome thanks! I’ll check it later 


Jw when r we going see more of the Gulliver book?


@sarahwolfe12093 yes, you will be seeing more of the lilliput adventures and what ever else when inspiration stikes. I just haven’t had time to write anything for it lately. But I do plan to work on the next chapter soon. 
            Thanks Fren for the question 


I posted a new story! Check it out if you want to! 
          In other writing news, I'm working on the next chapters of JoJo's Adventure, part two of the firefighter one-shot, and the next chapter of the Sterling household. Hopefully, I can get those done and posted sometime next week. 
          I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!