
@QueenAlura figure this out. 444333 4448 2555555 4666337777 9777666664 32777555444664 58877778 4466655533 66666. 99966688 277733 77778777666664.


Sometimes I let out too much of my attraction towards others and get myself stuck in complicated situations I don't know how to get out of, yet I am not trying to find ways to get out of it. Why? Because the situation I'm in makes me happy. The situation isn't healthy for me, but I can't seem to ignore it. Gosh he is making me over think. *sighs* 


The more I push you away,  the more you pull me.  You are like a magnet, one I can't escape from.  You don't seem to mind and that surprises me. You are supposed to make me understand that you aren't mine and I should get my head out of my fantasies, but instead you purposely push me towards my fantasies. Why is that? And why am I so weak?  Why can't I ignore you and vice versa? Why? 


@QueenAlura mmm exactly, silly goose. 