Hello to all of you out there. I hope you all are safe, and that you are healthy. During this time, many of us are experiencing many changes in our daily lives. I know that I'm not normally active, and I sincerely apologize for that. But I was inspired by my sister's post about her being mixed and how racism is steadily becoming just a normal fact. And though people are non racist, it's not enough. We need to be antiracist. I am a proud mixed girl, and though I am still considered young, I wish to make sure that people even younger than me never have to experience what I've been through. I don't want my brother to grow up thinking it's okay to be called "racial slurs" and that the color of his skin warrants mistreatment. I don't want to walk down the street with my father and brother and have to think, "What would it be like if I lost them? What if something happens to them?" Please, speak out. Actively promote racial tolerance. I'm not asking for you to graciously donate to every organization fighting racism, I'm just asking that you try to do as much as you can. If you're able to vote, please vote. If you're able to, sign a petition. I'm grateful to every one of you, and please, stay safe.