@Titania_ships Omg baby girl, I just read your bullying situation. I know this is delayed but seriously. I know what you're going through, a similar thing has been happening to me hella lot recently, but I'm concerned about you more than myself.
Seems like you're in a situation with fake friends, never trust them, leave them, find honest friends that will be loyal and trustworthy, it's up to you. Don't listen to that boy. If it's bothering you with their actions then let someone know, Paris, tell a teacher or your parents or even talk to me if you need to. I'm here for you and I'm sure @KatelynShips is and other people close to you, we might not be able to do much about it but at least we can be there to talk to you if you want company anytime. I may not know you but I know for a fact that you are beautiful both inside and out, don't let others opinions hold you down from what you want to do. Remember, you’re not alone in this, you have lots of people who care about you. Life is too short not to live it up a little. I know for a fact that those 115 followers you have, all of them do care about you and some would gladly talk to you and would support you regardless. I hope you can overcome this and that what I've said helps you get rid of this problem, count me in as 1 person you can definitely talk to. Take care.