
I’m on a roll getting these chapters of ‘Reddrick’ out! Let me know how you’re liking the story, your comments are my muse!


Merry CHRISTMAS friends!! Look out for new chapters of ‘Reddrick’ soon. I’ve been a busy bee working and my Dutch Shepherd is due to have her puppies ANY day now, send some prayers and good vibes her way for healthy puppies! My puppies are purpose bred for family with disabilities or those looking to compete in spot dog events! I’ll share photos when they are here safely! 


I’ve been helping hubby replace his truck’s break system all day, “pump it” okay pump the petal, “hold it!” Okay hold pressure, my legs feel like noodles and I have grease all over. 
          BUT I WILL BE updating Reddrick soon!!!


Who’s ready for a new book premier?? One featuring Cecily and Teseo’s son; Reddrick Thomas Elias? It’ll be dropping soon!
          80,000 words in and so much more to write. ♥️


I can’t wait :)



I want a apologize to my followers and readers for being so silent recently!
          My heart is healthy after the surgery and my post operative bubble study shows that my heart is doing well and that the cardio-form PFO closure has been successful this far. I have 2 more tests before I am clear. One at 6 months post-op and one at 12 months post-op.
          I have several chapter for insatiable Habits written and am plotting the conclusion of Un-Sober.
          Please stick with me!