
I’m sorry for ghosting y’all like that, but I haven’t really had the time or power for writing because of all the schoolwork lately, I have to work extra hard because of my bad grades and finals are coming up next months which is March 14 to March 19 so I didn’t really have the time to fit writing in as well and I don’t want to give you guys half-assed writing as well. I want people to be able to enjoy my story, (I’m sorry for any shades being thrown out there) and not just clump a bunch of pieces of story from here and there and call that a story like the multiple fanfics I’ve seen out there. So that’s why I haven’t really been updating much, and once again, I’m truly sorry for this. Once all these shenanigans are done and I have time to relax, I’ll continue writing my story. Thank you for your time and patience.


@Tknmonster Author, are you going to update in the summer?


I’m sorry for ghosting y’all like that, but I haven’t really had the time or power for writing because of all the schoolwork lately, I have to work extra hard because of my bad grades and finals are coming up next months which is March 14 to March 19 so I didn’t really have the time to fit writing in as well and I don’t want to give you guys half-assed writing as well. I want people to be able to enjoy my story, (I’m sorry for any shades being thrown out there) and not just clump a bunch of pieces of story from here and there and call that a story like the multiple fanfics I’ve seen out there. So that’s why I haven’t really been updating much, and once again, I’m truly sorry for this. Once all these shenanigans are done and I have time to relax, I’ll continue writing my story. Thank you for your time and patience.


@Tknmonster Author, are you going to update in the summer?