If you could prayer for my family at the moment that would be nice. My grandfather fell & broke his hip again, he is suppossed 2 hav surgery on it n the morning, there is a very unlikely chance that he will survive it.
@Tljosephs I'm glad he's going all right, and I hope everything goes smoothly with recovery.
@undertheblueskies he is doing alright my dad told me he thought it was going to be today, but it turns out he had it yesterday morning, he is doing fine now, we think he broke one of his arms too, we just didnt thonk that he would make it because of his heart condition.
@Tljosephs I'm truly sorry to hear that, and I can't even begin to imagine what emotions are running through your head at the moment. I don't know what time it is over where you are, and I hope I'm not too late, but I will be thinking and praying for your family - especially your grandfather - tonight and tomorrow, and the days coming if needed. I know that this is a hard time for you, as well as your family, so if you need someone to talk to, someone to support you, someone to rant to about whatever you want to rant about, I'm right here. I know I haven't been online at all recently, but I will make an effort to come online everyday in case you wish to chat. I'm here if you ever need me; remember that. Hoping for the best possible outcome, --Catherine xo.