
Good morning / afternoon / evening.  How are y'all today?? 
          	Star Wars or Marvel?


IMPORTANT:  Google is having problems with the email I used for this, so it's currently unavailable.  So this account is going to be inactive for a while, possibly forever.  This is why I don't start group wp accounts..... sorry for the inconvenience.


@Daughter_0f_Had3s Nevermind to this!  Though if suddenly this account goes quiet that's probably the reason....


          On my other account I announced that I am spending less time on WP, but I'll still be trying to do daily questions in the mornings.  I have a series planned called 'Between Worlds'.  A teaser will be posted Fall/Winter 2024, and the chapters will start Spring 2025 to give me time to get ahead of everything while focusing on life outside WP (I don't have much of a life outside WP-).  Just a heads up.


Hey, how y'all today?  
          Silveny or Iggy (kotlc)?