Omfg hALLO
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HOLLY SHIT I HAVE 75 FOLLOWERS??? WHEN HOW WHAT THE FUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT THANK YOU!!! :D. Ok for real thank you guys so much I know some of you are saying "Thats not alot what are you talking about?" well i say to you SHUT UP ITS ALOT TO ME! ;-; *happy tears* Thank you guys. Alot. it means alot to me that people care even if you guys only followed me because I followed you. Shameless promotion If you're new I suggest one of my softer books like Protector of hell and THEM (a Naruto fanfiction) But if you have been here a while like @Rosettathesoul I would sugest Tertiary objective: Find Love (Googleiplier x OC) Or (not published yet) Iplier Smut Shots (requests alowed with OCs as long as you can desribe them well.) Anyway, thank you so much guys! *smiles till fce hurts* oowwww!
Omfg hALLO
HOLLY SHIT I HAVE 75 FOLLOWERS??? WHEN HOW WHAT THE FUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT THANK YOU!!! :D. Ok for real thank you guys so much I know some of you are saying "Thats not alot what are you talking about?" well i say to you SHUT UP ITS ALOT TO ME! ;-; *happy tears* Thank you guys. Alot. it means alot to me that people care even if you guys only followed me because I followed you. Shameless promotion If you're new I suggest one of my softer books like Protector of hell and THEM (a Naruto fanfiction) But if you have been here a while like @Rosettathesoul I would sugest Tertiary objective: Find Love (Googleiplier x OC) Or (not published yet) Iplier Smut Shots (requests alowed with OCs as long as you can desribe them well.) Anyway, thank you so much guys! *smiles till fce hurts* oowwww!
i ment proof im one of his nicest/bigest fans sorry i didnt have a long time to post that i had to go to my next hour class hehehe ya im doing school shit, it sucks ass!
https://www.himemer.com/resources/images/201709/imma-just-leave-dis-hurr-alaina-meme-dankmeme-markiplier-mar-60078142.jpg Im dead WHEN DID HE GET HIS FLANAL BACK HOLY SHIT!!!
THANKS EVERYONE FOR 70 FOLLOWERS I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!! *huuuuggggssssss* thanks guys really i still need to upload i know and im working on it Im trying but school started back up so its a lil harder than to would be normally. but i should have on up in a week tops. THANKS AGAIN GUYS!!!
HOI! I just wanna say that she has 56 freakin followers and I'm proud of her!!!!! Since she can't respond right now, I shall say congats to her. :D Rossetta: CONGRATS CHRIS! Ur da bes friend!
Ink: Chrisy, I wanna tell horror how you feel
@Bear-the-InkWolf Author-chan: U know what the fandom needs... MOE SHIPS AND FANARRT! ALL ARTISTS COME ROUND!
@Bear-the-InkWolf Rosetta: thx! I also got some nicecream but it melted in the middle of teleporting.
howdy i'm asriel thanks fir the follow
A PotatOS flew around meh room GLADOS: >:(
Hey, I just wanted to say thank you very much for voting for my story I appreciate it!
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