"When I die, I'm going to become a poltergeist and kill people with toasters. Nobody will see it coming!" -Lillychu, 2017

"FLIP FLOPS, I BURNT MY TIDDIES!" - Lillychu, 2018

"Locklear Ab-Spaghet!!!!!" - Lilly, 2019

"You can't get ME sick, I took my GUMMY VITAMINS today!" - Lilly, 2020

I don't know why I made my wattpad bio things I've said over the years but I'm pretty down to continue it. (2020)

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • sitting in your deep freeze eating chicken nuggets
  • EntrouSeptember 1, 2016

Última mensagem
ToasterPrincess ToasterPrincess Aug 06, 2020 11:02PM
Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. Just wanted to say I am going to become much more active from now on and try to consistently update old or write new stories! By the way, I'm utterly baffled th...
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Histórias de Princess of a Toaster
Her World Beneath The Ruins, de ToasterPrincess
Her World Beneath The Ruins
What do you do when you unleash the undead upon the world? Hide in a fallout shelter. What do you do when you...
My Stitched Heart [Homicidal Liu X Reader], de ToasterPrincess
My Stitched Heart [Homicidal Liu X...
What do girls do when their in danger? Fight or flight. They either stay and fight, or they run. But...
ranking #354 em creepypastaxreader Ver todos os rankings
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