
this message may be offensive
Hey so college is kicking my ass at the moment and the wattpad app on my phone is bugging out (keyboard keeps appearing infront of the shit I write and blocks my view of it, so I have to write on my laptop) so no knew chapters until spring break. One is nearly done tho so dw  


this message may be offensive
Hey so college is kicking my ass at the moment and the wattpad app on my phone is bugging out (keyboard keeps appearing infront of the shit I write and blocks my view of it, so I have to write on my laptop) so no knew chapters until spring break. One is nearly done tho so dw  


To my lovely followers (lol, I sound like a cult leader), I have returned to my humble abode for the break from school, so fear not, for a chapter (or two ) will be in store for you soon!
          I would also like to take the opportunity to make some things clear: I have been diagnosed with ADHD, which sadly comes with a severe struggle with time management. In this case, I decided a long time ago that I would have no set schedule for my book’s updates for the sake of my mental health. Some might be closer in timing than others, so please be aware of that.
          Although this lack of schedule will not change in the future going forward, I believe you, my audience, for the affection you have given my work, deserve to know when updates will stop for a time.
          Starting the week of Christmas, it is more than likely that updates will slow down significantly. Less than likely that they will stop, but there is still a chance of that.
          However, starting early January, I will be going back to school and thus updates will stop until Spring Break comes around.
          I cannot tell you what will happen in the future, I’m only human, but I thought it best to notify you all of what is likely to come.
          That is all, I wish you all a good night, or afternoon, or even morning.


Shoutout to the person voting my chapters, ur awesome @TheInvysible


Of course! Take your time, <3


Aw thank you! I'm pretty busy with college so updates are definitely slowing down just a heads up <3


@ Toasty_Tea913  The story is just so good I couldn't stop reading it, was surprised it doesn't have more votes


Merry Christmas! 
          I found the determination to post my unpublished chapters this Christmas Eve. School has made it so I’m very inconsistent with my writing and a lot of the time I just can’t find the inspiration to start. I sincerely hope those of you who have read Stress Relief enjoy the new take I’ve put on Elijah’s story. I plan to put in some scenes of Chase’s POV when the plot calls for it in the future. Let me know what you think, and once again don’t hesitate to notify me of spelling mistakes or plot holes, I tend to forget things
          Until next time, Toasty_Tea


Hi I really loved your story it was beautiful and the fluff was perfect bravo,muy bien,fantástico ,encantadora All! Of that muah ❤️ 


Hello! And thank you so much. I know this was from over a year ago, but I’m kind of rewriting the story to be more realistic and to have better representation (which I hope I do enough of). I re released the first chapter of you want to take a look, I should be releasing the next one soon.