
My power went out Friday at 8:30 Am. We didn’t get it back until today at 2:00 PM. I still don’t have WiFi so if anyone’s messaged me I can’t look yet. I’m barely able to type this post. I’m hoping it’ll come back tomorrow. But I’m glad I at least have water and light back.


My power went out Friday at 8:30 Am. We didn’t get it back until today at 2:00 PM. I still don’t have WiFi so if anyone’s messaged me I can’t look yet. I’m barely able to type this post. I’m hoping it’ll come back tomorrow. But I’m glad I at least have water and light back.


This is just sick. People in my area are posting pictures of their guns saying don’t go to so and so elementary/high school tomorrow. There’s even a picture someone posted of I guess a hit list of multiple high schools and elementary schools in my area. It’s just disgusting. I don’t know who it is posting all of these but they are sick.


@frendlyfox my goodness that’s horrible


That reminds me, my school recently got a bombing threat as well, but they're hiding it, however the news got leaks by some teachers who are relatives to some of the girls that study here.


Oh thank God. They accidentally mixed up my lab results with someone else’s, so I’m good! If they didn’t and it was my results I would have had to been checked for tumors in my chest and abdomen and hope it wasn’t cancer. The blood test they gave me would make sense if I was pregnant, but I’m not so it was very weird and bad. I am so happy right now it was all mixed up. I guess I did get a pregnant lady’s results.


@ToddJason9075 I love being your friend. Im happy that ive been a help. Thank you for being a good friend. :)


Hey yall. I’m just asking for prayer requests right now. I’m not going to go into detail as it’s not certain yet, but if my results come back the same then it’s pretty serious. I’m just hoping my blood work got mixed up. If not then I’m scared.


@Husain1990 thank you :D. Right now I’m really happy because it was just a mix up.


             I thought you could use a friend 


@Cheshire_SK thank you! He answered my prayers. They mixed my stuff up with someone else


I’m starting to get a little worried. I have had my period since April. I know Stress can cause you to miss it, but still. If I don’t start in a few days then I’m going to start panicking. Also I know for a fact I’m not pregnant and I’m not on birth control or any medicine at all so yeah


@daughter-0f-Hermes yeah. Im supposed to start the 26th at least that’s what it was supposed to be. So if I don’t start near then I’m probably going to have to see a dr


@ToddJason9075 you might want to see a doctor if it doesn’t come in 1-2 weeks


I need some help y’all. I think I might have PMDD but I don’t know. Almost every time I’m nearing my period I get super mad at everyone and depressed. Really depressed. I thought I was getting better but this time I’m nearing and I had a breakdown feeling like everyone was just better off without me and that it would make everyone happier if I was just dead. I don’t have the intent to kill my self but I just feel like everyone would be happy if I did. And this happens almost every other month near my period and I just don’t know what to do. I was having intrusive thoughts about how to do it but I don’t really have it in me to do it and I know I don’t mean any of these thoughts. I don’t mean them at all. But it’s just moments where it feels like everything is hopeless. But I just don’t know what to do. I can’t keep this up every other month every time near my period. I tried to mention it to my old therapist but she just laughed me off and said everyone gets that way near their period. But I know that’s not true. My sisters nor my mom get like that but my therapist laughed me off.m saying everyone does. So I don’t know. I know antidepressants should help with my depression but I haven’t found one yet that works for me without it giving me a seizure. I’ve gone through almost every antidepressant there is. I just need help. Im not like this all the time. It’s literally just a few days before my period this happens and todays is worse than most.


@ToddJason9075 im happy you're my friend also. That's amazing. Keep dwelling on those happy moments. Thinking abt happy memories always seem to make me remember that life may have its downs but it also has its highs.


@Starfish_73 thank you. I’m so happy that you’re my friend. I’ll try and remember to pray because that’s all I can do. I’m feeling much better today after visiting my mommaw. She makes me so happy


@ToddJason9075 Also remember to take it one day at a time. Its best to not overwhelm yourself. 


Heya. How do I message you privately? It's been ages since I opened wattpad.


@cataclysmic009 yeah. It’s no fun that they removed it. Almost everyone is upset with it


@cataclysmic009 so the only way to chat now on Wattpad is right here :(


I need some help. I recently had a mouse in my basement and it went everywhere. Well I had some electronics down there and some discs for the Wii and Xbox 360. How do I clean it without damaging it? I had controllers, Discs, a game pad, equipment for garage band (guitar and drums), a Xbox 360, and a Wii U. My mom said rubbing alcohol won’t work against all the diseases from the mice. If only knows how to clean those without damaging them please let me know!


@ ToddJason9075  No Problem I hope I could help:) 


@Pj_Hp_Marvel_Fan I’ll look into that. Thank you!


@ ToddJason9075 so Google says that a disinfectspray named Anokath helps, but I'm not sure. 