
Hello ladies and gentleman. I am Zoey Jones but you may call me Zoters. I was the author of the most successful modern Naruto book,"Konoha High." But sadly it was deleted by me. But I do thank all of you noodlies who read it and enjoyed it. If you love anime, Naruto, plus Harry Styles thingies then you are in the accurate place. Stick around and follow me...


Hi there!
          Me and my sister are writers and are working on our own original manga/anime called TheRemnant.
          Please do check it out!
          I will give you a quick synopsis:
          After a failed suicide attempt Shikauhno Lee moves from the US to Ryojima, Japan, her birth city. However, the city is quite different from how she remembered it. People are mysteriously vanishing and dying under the name of Black Onda. Fresh upon her arrival Shikauhno crosses paths with a man allegedly missing. Oddly enough, he denies his own identity and threatens to rip Shikauhno's heart out. In the nick of time a mystifying man rescues Shikauhno and leaves her with a cryptic sentence, "Let the dead bury their own."


Hello ladies and gentleman. I am Zoey Jones but you may call me Zoters. I was the author of the most successful modern Naruto book,"Konoha High." But sadly it was deleted by me. But I do thank all of you noodlies who read it and enjoyed it. If you love anime, Naruto, plus Harry Styles thingies then you are in the accurate place. Stick around and follow me...