
[This is gonna be kind-of a vent, I'm sorry. ;u;]
          	Um. . .so it's been a while since I wrote anything, and I apologize for that. So, in all honesty one fandom has kinda, lost touch with me over the years. . .and that would be Grojband. And sad enough, Tenkai Knights is getting there too, since a reason I loved the show so much was how many people I met through it. . .and I no longer talk to those people anymore due to honestly being too intimidated to talk to them. (Pathetic, I know.) Though I would at least like to finish the one story I have written for TK. I've also been thinking of making an art book, because for some reason whenever I have writers block I can draw as many things as I want non-stop. But, I'd like to know if people would even be interested in that before I do such a thing. . .  I'll probably be extremely more active in the summer, so look out for some random things I may be doing. Anyways, that's kind of it, thanks to anyone who actually read this, and I hope you can be patient for some things I have planned-


[This is gonna be kind-of a vent, I'm sorry. ;u;]
          Um. . .so it's been a while since I wrote anything, and I apologize for that. So, in all honesty one fandom has kinda, lost touch with me over the years. . .and that would be Grojband. And sad enough, Tenkai Knights is getting there too, since a reason I loved the show so much was how many people I met through it. . .and I no longer talk to those people anymore due to honestly being too intimidated to talk to them. (Pathetic, I know.) Though I would at least like to finish the one story I have written for TK. I've also been thinking of making an art book, because for some reason whenever I have writers block I can draw as many things as I want non-stop. But, I'd like to know if people would even be interested in that before I do such a thing. . .  I'll probably be extremely more active in the summer, so look out for some random things I may be doing. Anyways, that's kind of it, thanks to anyone who actually read this, and I hope you can be patient for some things I have planned-


Wow, 100 followers. I don't flipping deserve that many. Especially 'cause of my updating habits and then there's my horrible grammar at times. (Seriously, how do you guys put up with that, I wanna know, I even make myself cringe when I see those errors.) However, thank you everyone, I don't know how you deal with these problems I make, but thank you for putting up with it! :D


I would say that's kind of what I do sometimes. . .


            well for one you actually write stuff as opposed to me who writes a little then never posts another story again :D