
Can't believe been almost a year since i last posted something. But alot has happen. Aunt was really sick so we helped take care of her. It's goin on 2 months at the end of feb since she passed. No one tells you or prepares you to watch your love one slowly die in front of you from cancer. This is the 1st time we've dealt with someone in our family to have cancer. We've had family friends deal with it but never someone so close to us. Cancer doesn't run in our family do it was a major shock to us. I wish she didn't do chemo. She old did one round and it took her down so fast. We didn't expect it to happen so quickly but she wanted to try and fight it. It doesn't seem real that she is gone but i know she's not in any pain anymore. 2nd time our family has lost a loved but this time felt different from the 1st. We are still grieving and trying to find our new normal without her.


Can't believe been almost a year since i last posted something. But alot has happen. Aunt was really sick so we helped take care of her. It's goin on 2 months at the end of feb since she passed. No one tells you or prepares you to watch your love one slowly die in front of you from cancer. This is the 1st time we've dealt with someone in our family to have cancer. We've had family friends deal with it but never someone so close to us. Cancer doesn't run in our family do it was a major shock to us. I wish she didn't do chemo. She old did one round and it took her down so fast. We didn't expect it to happen so quickly but she wanted to try and fight it. It doesn't seem real that she is gone but i know she's not in any pain anymore. 2nd time our family has lost a loved but this time felt different from the 1st. We are still grieving and trying to find our new normal without her.


If anyone has private messaged me let me know on here since messages will be deleted monday which isn't fair to the watty community and it's writers and fans. I will give you an alternative way to contact me


@LOVETOWRITE45 oh i'm sorry for your loss. Just know that he has peace to whatever what was bothering him.


@TokioHotelLover01  let's just say one of my friends back in February ended his life and it hit me hard. I regret not talking to him and trying to help him while he was in a crisis. It took a lot out of me because I wish that I would have talked to him more. 


@LOVETOWRITE45 seems like watty is trying to censor it's site in my opinion. I've been on here  a long time and met some cool people and just some who just want a person to listen to them. I've met alot who just want to talk and vent and i'm glad to help them even it was just a simple listening ear


This is some bs because if you have a private question to ask writers no one what's that question on their public page. And i haven't recieved any email at all about them getting rid of private messages. This is the same thing that happened years ago when they did the 1,000 follow limit cap. They came up with a lame excuse for why they did it and now a lame ass excuse to get rid of dms


I never felt so alone these last few weeks.  I have good friends who have helped be during this tough time but everyone lives so far away. Nothing is more scarier than watching your aunt slowly start dying in front of your eyes and doctors don't know what it is took a huge toll on me. I couldn't sleep good cause all i could think about was what if we get the same phone call we did when my grandpa was rushed to the hospital and died of a heart attack. We are glad that doctors finally found out what she has and can get the proper treatment. She has a long way to go. She's slowly gettkng back to her old self. Her body is so weak and she's on oxygen permantly now. Now we have to slowly do her physical therapy so she can walk better again. I never want to hear those words that she's at peace with everything again. That was her way of saying she was ok to pass away. Cried for days after hearing that. I pray everyday that we can have her here a while longer. Now my body can catch up on much needed rest and so can my family. Maybe we can plan a trip to the cabins and have a family healing trip.


I can't believe last post was in 2017. Depression has gotten somewhat better but health stuff is still major thing right now. Found out more stuff about my health and have to manage it for the rest of my life. It's tiring managing it everyday. I still won't be on here alot but maybe will pop on from time to time.


@LOVETOWRITE45  *words* sorry auto correct put wrong word in


@LOVETOWRITE45 thank you for your kind works. I understand my mother has fibro and i will take care of her when it acts up. Seem like this year flare ups are worst this time around


@TokioHotelLover01  It's okay to take a break and focus on you. I hope that everything gets better soon. I have health issues to deal with like my Rheumatoid Arthritis. It's really tiring to deal with everyday. Waking up stiff, And Sore is really exhausting. I am always tired even though I go to bed. I get fatigued quite often when the arthritis.


Do you remember me llllll


@Effronte i think when we 1st met u where really down and i got a feeling u needed me. Needed a friend no matter what. Someone to be ur friend for a long time


I guess you're right. I used to be so awful to people. I never understood why you stuck around. 


@Effronte everyone needs kindness in their life even a small thing like asking how you are doing can help cheer ppl up :)