Mr L. thank you for not deleting the Tokioka book! Although it may be discontinued I am happy enough that I can always go back and read it for good memories!! :D
Ohhh I’m sorry I really love the story and I actually enjoy read it i always wait for new chapter and always excited to read it but I hope you’re doing alright and taking ur time n having break so u don’t get exhausted from writing but ur fine u have been forgiven.
Unfortunately I lost my motivation to continue writing the story before I graduated from high school. School was taking up all of my time and I was preparing myself a test and finishing up any work before I graduated. So unfortunately it’s discontinued. If I had more motivation to continue writing the story I would but unfortunately I don’t. And if I’m gonna be honest I didn’t really like the beginning on how I write the story and I made my character into a edge lord right at the start.
Not only that MHA is already at its final stages along with the Monga being completely finished so it’s going to take a very long time for me to catch up even though I said that I will finish the story around season five. I hope you can forgive me.
Thank you so much for your dedication of writing the story. It's sad to see it come to an end while I was on a break from the internet and also taking care of my mental health. But I understand you as I also wrote stories before I left to take a long break. I hope you have more motivations for new stories to come. Thank you for letting me enjoy and make memories by reading Tokioka and MHA.
@AnimeLovea_UwU Sadly yes. Before i finally finished high school i had been losing motivation to write more for the story. Not only that Mha was almost done as well. So It was going to take a long time to catch up and I felt like I did somewhat of a bad job at the beginning making Tokioka edgy.
However, there is a KNY story of him that you can read
I might take a two—or three-day break from writing to find more inspiration, plan the next act, and prepare my fights for the story.
Next chapter: The Red Lily Village.
Sorry that it has been about 2-3 weeks since i posted an act. I am working on it right as I'm making this announcement while spending time with those i love and watching anime.
I will be showing off two new characters within the next act of Moon's Pupil and one of them will be my first black/dark skin Oc. I will try and start writing the act as soon as i can.