
And a couple of my stories are almost to 1,000 reads??? Y'ALL DESERVE SOME UPDATES.


@SneezingTurtle I'm good. I'm just really behind on reading. :P Also, I'm freaking out because you recognize that I exist. So there's that.
          ALSO,  YES. THOSE LITTLE SHITS ARE SKWISGAAR AND TOKI AND I SHIP THEM LIKE AIN'T NOBODY'S BUSINESS. (Hence Tokisgaar.) But also Skwis is the blonde and Toki is the adorable one and Swedish and Norwegian and fabulous. AND SO FAR IN THE CLOSET THAT THEY'RE WITH THE SATYR IN NARNIA. *cough*
          Anyway, how are you?


@TokisgaarWarelf WAIT. They do have a kitty at one point!!!


@TokisgaarWarelf You 'need to see more than season one' ? You only saw season one? Oh my God go on torrentz and search for Metalocalypse and download those seasons like it's no one's business! THEY HOLD HANDS AT ONE POINT. (dunno each season for sure but hell yeah metal feral kitties)


@SneezingTurtle Y'know, the worst thing in the world is it not being all on Netflix. I NEED TO SEE MORE THAN SEASON ONE.
            O.O Fellow Tokisgaar shipper in the house! CAN WE BE FRIENDS.
            The end of season one where the almost die together?!?!?!?!? I HYPERVENTILATED LIKE AAAAGH. JUST HAVE METAL FERAL KITTIES.