
Question is anyone elses dispaly langauge always turnign to spain or is it jsut me


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the male symbiote reader x kill la kill harem story is soon finished and i will release it, i have already a idea for a new story, it is a mha harem stroy, the story is like this, only woman gets quirks, izuku, bakugo adn all then others are girls, so UA is a school only full of girls ( only wanan but 1 A B and the big 3 in the harem, maybe the LOV too but still not full decided)the problem is men can get quirks but the chances are 0,00000000001 that one gets it, the MC will be teh one who gets a quirk or more my choice at teh moment is black lightning like Darui from naruto or Akazas power ( demonslyaer), tell em what you think, do you want him to only have 1 quirkl or more, give me idea about quirks of your own imagination likew a lava quirk  or a quirk that allows the user to absorb material and turn his body inot this like steel, rock water or so


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he everyone i decided to make a new story and wanted toi hear what you think about it, it is a OP male symbiote reader x Kill la kill harem.
          The Reader will have venom and carnage in his body, in this story the Klintars are the lifefibers natural predator so he cna like senketsu, absorb lifefiber but use it for himself like, absorbing the boxing presidents huge boxglove and he can make his own, he will already be a student at the academy but he hides his power until ryuko comes, i will make the elite four all girls so fem Gamagori, sanageyama and inumuta, even the nudist beach guys the teacher and the mohawk men will be female.
          Haremmembers, Ryuko, Satsuki, the elite 4 and mako, tell me if you want more like omiko the tennis club president and maybe Nui and ragyo too, i wanna change the story so that there is a reason why ragyo is evil.
          So tell me what you think and maybe some things you wanan see like  the reader getting his own Kamui, i dont know when i will start the story or how long it will be but what i cna say it will not follow the anime complet so be prepared to see some stuff that was not in the anime like ryuko birthday


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the kill la kill story or what if naruto gets zen akus power story


yo um i wanted to ask if i can use this fanfic for my video will give credit and you can check out my channel too if you don’t believe me


I have a question can you link the hashirama fan fic  book for me I cant find it 


@ homeless_hotdog  he changed his username, the story is still there


@lemonShinigami i think from what i heared hamp24 deleted his fanfic account along wil all of his stories