
I changed the title of Would you.. to Goodbye, Cincinnati. Has a wider feel for the whole novel.


I've decided to take "Would You Look At Miss Ohio" down and divvy it up into 10-15 minute reading sections to make it easier to digest in case many of you are reading it on a cell phone. I'll put it right back up but in sections.


Starting to publish a collection of short stories here on Wattpad "Would You Look At Miss Ohio." So far just the first story. Feel free to comment anywhere and give advice. I'm going to commission my brother to make the art cover (hopefully).


Just posted chapter 4. I'll put out chapter 5 on Monday. Hey do me a quick favor, "constant reader," if you are liking any part of this, can you throw me a star or two and recommend me on your FB pages and Instagrams, Twitters, etc? I need an uptick in viewership. And thank you, if you do.


Next Chapter of "Money, Get Away!" chapter 2, comes out tomorrow, Sunday evening Dec 6, 2020. :) I'm really happy about how this book turns out. I hope I can keep churning out good copy. I truly enjoyed writing fiction like this.