
Hii,, uh- hello, I haven't updated my book in too long and I'm just, bragh, I dont know, I have a lot to do and barely have time to even say hi to all of my friends or even for myself. Being 17 is hard :") I'm just asking for a little bit more slack please?- I know that it seems like slack is all I'm doing but I swear I'm just trying my best on anything and everything, thank you all so much for the support. Just reading my book or following is huge for me, and I'm grateful for all of it, really. Again, you guys really are dear to me and I thank you for your patience and support, I love you all sm. 


Hii,, uh- hello, I haven't updated my book in too long and I'm just, bragh, I dont know, I have a lot to do and barely have time to even say hi to all of my friends or even for myself. Being 17 is hard :") I'm just asking for a little bit more slack please?- I know that it seems like slack is all I'm doing but I swear I'm just trying my best on anything and everything, thank you all so much for the support. Just reading my book or following is huge for me, and I'm grateful for all of it, really. Again, you guys really are dear to me and I thank you for your patience and support, I love you all sm. 


Heelow everyone , I am once again updating you on my personal life (bc it effects my social media life). Ahem, so as you know I have a job, what you dont know is that I'm 17 but feel 13 because I'm not allowed to go out and have fun or smth like that. I'm /very/ tired and /very/ not satisfied or comfortable with my home life, my family knows I'm capable of getting a job and earning money, but the thing is, I'm only a kid, and I can't do too much on my own. My parents have done that to me, they make me feel that I'm not able to to anything on my own because I'm dumb or weak, and it really does hurt me. What doesn't help is that even though I have a job, I'm not paid at all, all of my earned money goes into my sisters account and then to rent or something else my parents wanna use the money on. They dont allow me to have my own account or a drivers license, and I dont even think I can with how unmotivated and shitty they make me feel.  Just in summary, my parents are working me with no reward/rewarding me with a roof over my head ((that I should "feel greatful for" which I am but yk)) and I'm very tired and not happy. But on social media, everyone and everything is better and I feel comfortable and happy, I will be trying to make time for my friends and sm and this book but do understand that I'm not in a great situation and that I really am trying my best. Thank you for understanding and being so patient with me, I love you all so much <:) 


My dumb child mind (that started writing my fanfic in 9th grade) made a very bad story and had it in mind for 4 years straight and its just,, right now I'm trying to change parts to make it more smooth and understandable. The plot is pretty clear but just a little too clear and I'm trying to fix that rn, I'm pretty sure I'm done with this chapter but now I need to start the next one and oh gosh ;-; but yeah, expect anf update really soon :muahahahhah:


Uhm,, hi- JDISHD IKAY HELLO PPL WHO SEE THIS?? Really quick (i have to clock in to work in like 2 minutes ACK-) I really wanna thank the ppl who are interested and waiting for an update on my really cringe Lightbrush fanfic  but ive literally been so busy aaa I'm kinda just everywhere and doing a lot waaa but i will update the book, thank you all so much for your patience and support, really,,, <:) 


Okay well uhh,,, I lied- BUT A LOT HAPPENED OKAY? I really didn’t have time to do anything on here, I got a new phone and kinda almost got used to it, and really a lot happened so sorry if I didn’t get to post the latest chapter but I’ll start working on it right away. Please forgive