
Greetings, Charlie! It’s been a while since we’ve had a friendly conversation. All I wanted to say was I’m so so sorry for all the problems I’ve caused to hurt you. It wasn’t right of me to lay my emotions on you, It wasn’t a friendly thing to do at all. I have improved on being better, I have figured ways to cope with my problems and fix them. I have also fixed up on being more social around my friends’ friends and even becoming friends with their friends! I have been also taking time on helping and listening to my friends whenever they’re in need of someone to vent too as well. I hope you’re having a lovely summer, my friend. You truly are a gem to be around, I hope you are also having so free time to figure out your own problems. I have also been missing you dearly, be sure to eat healthy and get much exercise and enjoying lovely activities! Lots of prayers from your old friend, Lola <3 I also wish you best wishes when you head to college, I know you will do amazing. :]