
Merry Christmas


this message may be offensive
WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME? I hate it, I wanna kill myself but I don't want to hurt anyone else. I don't want people to see me so weak, people always see me as the strong though girl who fights for herself. What's happening to me? Can someone answer? 


You say awesome? We say Gucci!
          You say fist bump? We say brofist!
          You learn Swedish from class? We learn from Pewds!
          You learn Italian from translators? We learn from Marzia!
          You say lava? We say red water!
          You say fight me? We say Pax me bro!
          You like The Wanted? We like the YogsCast!
          You learn from Hogwarts? We learn from Seto!
          You say cartoons? We say Anime!
          You think spoons are disrespectful? Not as disrespectful as SQUIDS!
          You say "No Bajan lost"? You mean DAMN IT BAJAN! YOU HAD A DIAMOND FREAKING SWORD!!
          You want a frilly tank top? We want BajanCanadian t-shirts!
          You say gold? We say budder!
          You crush on Stars? We crush on Youtubers!
          You say diamond Axe? We say Betty!
          You say pig? We say Jeffery!
          You say bat? We say Dillon!
          You say chain mail? We say lingerie!
          You say chest plates? We say boob plates!
          You say invisible? We say spooky boobs!
          You say rotten flesh? We say wet noodle!
          You say getting angry? We say getting trolled!
          You say Hunger Games? We say Survival Games or Hunger Deens!
          You say laughing? We say lolcats!
          You like Justin Bieber? We Like SkydoesMinecraft
          You like potatoes? We like Brotatoes!
          You like 1D? We like Team Crafted!
          You say video games? We say life!
          You have Rihanna and Nicki Minaj on your iPod? We have CaptainSparklez!