
The Brat Resistance.


@CosmicSlush That brat resistance.


Hello! I just read the tally hall iceberg. The one that intrigued me the most was "the rob room". I like 4chan mystery. Now seeing a tally hall one makes me even more interested. But here is the real queston I have; where did you find/ how did you find out about "the rob room"? If you could send me the link the the original 4chan post, I could try and solve the mystery. :)


after reading through the tally hall iceberg thing you made, i've taken an interest in the "Bassist Repertoire" thing on there and how you said you've come across a few people who remembered the songs. where did you find these people? 


@heather_is_cool I can tell you what I remember from the OG tumblr ask.
            -Bassist Repertoire was an EP with 5 songs.
            -There was a collab-rap on there with Zubin and I think Andrew? I could be wrong.
            -Yeah that's all I remember. Will get back to you if I remember more.


            Post that mentions it (in reference to the iceberg)
   (I couldn't find the explanations for the 4th layer and even if I did the link is broken)
            I remembered I had an ask about Bassist Repertoire on my tumblr but I think I must have deleted it in The Purge tm
            AND FINALLY! The Discord Server! Hate to break it to ya but it went under due to internal drama almost a year ago today. (1 more week...) Someone hacked my friend Maddie's bot and deleted everything in there anyway before then so any evidence of us discussing bassist repertoire is now gone. :( I don't keep in touch with anyone from that server beside Maddie and honestly I doubt they'd remember much, sorry. I wish you luck on your search though!


@TomcatAcaphe mhm can you send me the link to the tumblr post or the discord server? 