dont tell me my last check was in may... HELP WTF HOW DID WE SKIP JUNE AND JULY ?? LMAO- hru ??? any updates as of late ? staying hydrated ? sleeping well ? eating enough ?
@TomiokasLostArm ;; we all have boring lives dw thats why we all are on wattpad :pensive: anywsay, its great to hear you are just fine ! gtjrergtrjegrfheds i'm good, been working on my books and improving my writing style, nothing much ( i was gonna ask hbu but i remembered i already asked )
@noveerie HIHIHII working hard, i dont really have any updates, i have a boring life LMAOAO im veryvery hydrated and sleep well, but i rlly need to start to have a diet or somethign asdfgh