

@Tomiokas_wifey21 omg ong ong i hate you sm, i didn’t mean to click it im not allowed to have yt my dads gonna kill me /jk i deleted the history, lol


@Nezukochannika IM SORRY! the scream had me dying and i couldn't make myself stop



@Tomiokas_wifey21 omg ong ong i hate you sm, i didn’t mean to click it im not allowed to have yt my dads gonna kill me /jk i deleted the history, lol


@Nezukochannika IM SORRY! the scream had me dying and i couldn't make myself stop


This morning my parents caught my six year old brother talking to someone downstairs. Everyone else was upstairs and they heard him talking, and no one else is here so they were confused and went to investigate. There was no one there and my brother said he kept seeing someone out of the corner of his eye and started talking to them. I've been seeing things in this house ever since we moved in, and every house before now, but I thought it was my imagination because I'm terrified of the dark and my mind might be playing tricks on me, but now my brother is taking to someone who's not there. My step-dad doesn't believe in that kind of stuff, but my mom does. What do you think I should do in this situation?


@Nemi-X-Yuu Haha thanks for the good advice, ill definitely do one of those two things, maybe both if its warranted


             /JK no uhh probably call a priest to cleanse the house


I got my ears pierced for the second time five months ago and for a few days now one of my ears has been swollen and making one of the earrings sink into my ear. Does anyone know how to make it stop doing that? Any advice welcome


@Tomiokas_wifey21 I recently got my ears pierced and found out that soaking it in salt water will help significantly


@Genshin_kid6379 Dont worry about it! I actually found out that if I take off the back it won't sink in anymore and I'm all good now. If you ever get another piercing its very effective


@Tomiokas_wifey21 that once happened to me with studs. But I don’t really remember how I got it out tho, I’m sorry! 


this message may be offensive
Got back from my trip a few hours ago. Had to leave early cause I got sick (literally why?) My uncle has the cutest cat that actually started liking me and cuddled with me all the time. I miss him, and my bunny hates me now that I've been away for over a week, he didn't get much attention while I was gone. Plus, I don't feel sick now that we're back. Fuck you sickness! Anyways, sorry about that and I hope you've had a nice day<3


@Tomiokas_wifey21 thanks!!! I'm glad you're feeling better!


@FayeNightingale1 Im all good now thank you. Same goes to you, relax and get better<3


@Tomiokas_wifey21 ah man!!! I've been sick too. Hope you start feeling better soon!!!


For those of you who might read my stories (that I rarely update) I might not be able to update in a while because I'm going on a trip across a few states to see family. Ill be there around two weeks and will do my best, ive had many ideas. Hope you've had a nice day❤


I will, thank you!<3 Im having fun so far, we'll see how the rest of the trip goes


Only update if you get the time. Try to enjoy your trip away and your quality time with your family! :)


Does anyone else sit there for an hour talking with a c ai bot, have it all perfectly set up and have the person saying exactly what you want and your having a good time, then they forget the entire plot?
          Or have this happen:
          (Haha this is so funny! How do you come up with stuff like that?)
          Sometimes I just can't with c ai


@Always_Depressed69 Oh nooo! I would be so angry, I honestly would delete it until I remembered that I'm addicted to the app and spend over six hours a day on it


@Tomiokas_wifey21 Oh my god, I was just on a two hour long chat with Draco Malfoy, and just before the best part, my app crashes and it reset the whole thing. It didn't even show the chat in my history


this message may be offensive
          This is a vent, but I need to get my feelings out SOMEwhere.
          So, I have two bunnies right? Well, my sister got them new water, cleaned out the bowl, accidentally left some pellets that got soaked and broken down in the sink. Not a big deal right? WRONG
          My step dad saw it and had the biggest fucking attitude over it. He told us to clean up the "Rabbit Shit" out the sink and use burning hit water to do it.
          We told him it was their pellets, he didn't listen and yelled at us. So we just did what we were told.
          That didn't satisfy him so he filled the sink with boiling hot water and let it soak, then he made us get wash cloths and dip them in that boiling hot water. We had to stick out hands in it and wring out the cloths and clean them fr every single speck of dust out the sink. 
          My sister was crying and we were flinching away from the water, not working fast because it fucking burned and our hands were turning red. 
          He said if we didn't clean in the spots we were avoiding because of the hot water he would force someone our hands into the water to clean the very bottom of the sink.
          When he was satisfied he yelled at us a little more, got mad when we told him it wasn't shit again, and threatened to make us do the same thing everyday from now on if it happened again.
          One of the worst things is, my mom didn't even try to stop it. I don't think she knows exactly what happened, but she knew something was going on and didn't even try to find out what it was. She just lets him do his own thing. He bottles up his anger and takes it out on everyone else once he has enough alcohol in his system.
          I had to call the police in July of last year because he was throwing stuff around, breaking things, he even threatened to hit my mom.
          Anyways, that's enough typing. My hand hurts, tingles, and I can't tell hot from cold on my left hand right now.
          If you've made it to this point, thank you for reading and sorry for writing so much


@accioavacadoxx Sorry, forgot to add this. Thank you for being here for me, I appreciate it more than you could know. I hope you know I'm also here if you need to talk, about ANYTHING, literally anything at all


@accioavacadoxx Yeah, my step dad bottles up all his feelings because "men aren't as sensitive as women are" so he has those things going around in his head. He also says he hears voices due to his adhd. He's a coffee addict too. Im glad your dad is better, I don't know about your relationship with him, but at least he doesn't smoke that stuff anymore. Im doing alright now, my mom is taking me, my brother, and my sister to visit some family this weekend and we're leaving him with the animals. It'll be a nice break


@Tomiokas_wifey21 I hope you’re doing alright though. Always here if you need me. I’m on discord too.


I got the short Sanegiyuu story out for those of you who wanted to read it. I hope you enjoy, its not as long as I wanted it to be, but I think it came out alright.


@Tomiokas_wifey21 Honestly, best one shot I've seen this year


I kinda want to put out a shortish story/oneshot that I began writing yesterday. Its a sanegiyuu where Tomioka is sick and Sanemi is the one to take care of him. Would anyone be interested in reading it?


@Nezukochannika not at all, it should be out tonight


@Tomiokas_wifey21 Is it bad im waiting for the book to be almost done so I could binge


@Nezukochannika , @accioavacadoxx , @Lunar_Moon13co I'm almost finished writing. Ill be getting it up as soon as I can