
Really feel like Imma talkin to mahself over here.


Sorry for the lack of chapters recently, I have completed one more, am in the middle of a second, but the problem is that I still need to write a third because the third is meant to be before the rest. In short I'm writing these in in unchronological order. Soz guys, will try to have them done soon 


Thanks for the follow as well! If you have any spare time, could you check out my story Blood of the Angels?


@InsertRandomUsername Thank you, don't forget to comment on the rest of the story in the future ;) I'll read yours now


Maybe a little but be sure not to get rid of too much of the detail as it gives the reader insight into how the character feel about being isolated for so long.


@InsertRandomUsername Would decreasing the length between description and the woman arriving help?


Yo, nearly finished editing them, so if anyone finds anything they don't like, grammatical errors, too much reptition, not enough flow and all, just tell me :P
          Be as nit-picky as you can, everything helps :D


Chapter 2 has been split into three separate sections for those who wanted something that didn't take three hours to read xD
          I am also going through and editing some of the chapters in my spare time. No drastic changes, only a few minor details and improvements to the general writing of it.
          Unfortunately the updates will be a bit more rare for the next couple of weeks. I have exams coming up and I have Drama coursework in roughly a week (and two days), and so I'm gonna be focusing a tad more on these to achieve the results I want. After all my exams have finished however and I have finally been released from the torment that is school, I will be sure to do as much writing as I can :D
          But until then, please enjoy the chapters I have up currently, and I will be back after the exams :P


Please ignore the recent update on my page, I am still working on chapter three the only reason for the update was that chapter two could not be seen, so i had to republish it. Stick around, chapter three is right round the corner :)