Take the story down, now! You are taking all the credit for something you didn't even write nor have any part of.
Why ruin it for everyone, huh? This why authors get pissed off and take down their work. As a matter of fact, this is why most authors don`t even want to post their work online, cuz they have to worry about people like you who will just come along and take it as though it`s your own and not think twice.
Put yourself in their shoes. How would you like it if someone did this to you? I bet you wouldn`t be too pleased, would you? Exactly.
Take down the story and do what`s right. Respect the actual author and all the hard work she put into this.
When authors post their work online, they put complete and total faith in us regarding something they`ve spend a lot of time on and hold close to their heart.
Look, I know I`m ranting now, but things like this just really piss me off.
Come on, take Love Game down.